The Ijtema – Bringing Truth Forward®

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Better Late Than Never – A Modern Muslim Woman Returns Home.

As salaamu alaii kumm wa rahmatullahi wa barakath,

The.Ijtema® usually does not feature such short articles, but the following story is so poignant, I had to share. Its remarkable how modern women with decades of worldly education and ‘worldly’ experience are still preferring to get duped at the expense of no less than the hereafter. What it really means is, worldly education, its (non existent) values are not enough and that protection is only upon practicing upon Deen, upon adopting Taqwa, that protection is only from Allah subhanahu wa ta’ala and none else. It should be noted that such cases which occur quite frequently are hardly reported in the media for fear of social embarrassment and ignominy.    

A Muslim women returns home, bitter and humbled but wise and knowing. Yet, better late than never.

The following article which appeared in the October (1st – 15th) edition of The Milli Gazette is presented ‘as-is’ with absolutely no changes whatsoever.  Continue reading


How Shaikh Mushki came to be known as…Shaikh Mushki.

Hadrat Shah Abdul Aziz [rh] had a student who was a very pious and beautiful young man. A woman with bad intentions in her heart would see him walking to the madrasa, and one day solicited an elderly lady to call him to the house. The elderly woman approached the young man and said that a sick person inside the house needed supplication, and, being very simple, the young man readily went inside. Continue reading