The Ijtema – Bringing Truth Forward®

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Americans for Double Standards – The American Double Standard On Religious Violence.

As salaamu alai kum wa rahmatullahi wa barakath.

According to this, the Americans think if a Christian commits an act of terrorism, he isn’t really a Christian but if a Muslim does the same, he is a Muslim!

So much for education and broad mindedness.  Continue reading

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The dua of Maulana Ilyasji for the workers of tabligh.

As salaamu alai kum wa rahmatullahi wa barakath,

As I had mentioned before  that I’d be uploading the exclusive dua of Maulana Ilyasji for the workers of tabligh…well, here it is. I’ve uploaded in to YouTube so that its easier to listen without having to download and all.  Continue reading

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The Dead Need Support…Not Those Who Are Alive – A Conversation between Maulana Umar Palanpuri and a Christian priest in South Africa.

Assalaamu alai kumm wa rahmatullaahi wa barakath,

Paraphrasing an anecdote from the life of a great scholar of the past century connected with the work of  the Prophets, Maulana Umar Palanpuri (may Allah be pleased with him). This incident was related to us by Maulana Zain ul Aabideen (damath baraka tuhum) of Shah Waliullah Madrasah, India. Continue reading


The.Ijtema® Makes Available to its Readers a Very Rare, Two Volume, 900 Page Book on One Among the Two of the Muslim world’s Most Respected Islamic seminaries: Dar al Ulum Deoband.

As salaamu alai kumm wa rahmatullahi wa barakathu,

Here’s the download link of perhaps the most authentic book written on the history of the world famous Islamic seminary, Dar al Ulum Deoband, titled:

‘History of Dar al Ulum Deoband’

written by Maulana Sayyid Mahboob Rizvi and translated into English by Prof. Murtaz Husain F. Quraishi. Continue reading


The Man Who Challenged God.

This story is a huge reminder for all of us.

A man in Uttar Pradesh, in North India, decided to die by his own timetable, and “challenge God”. He decided to meet his maker at 12.12.12 (12 minutes and 12 seconds after 12 noon) on 12-12-12. Continue reading


The Imam of Masjid al-Aqsa [Bait ul-Muqaddas] on the effort of Tabligh.

Shaykh Ali Umar Yaqoub Abbasi, the head Imam and Khateeb of Bait ul-Muqaddas [Masjid al-Aqsa, Palestine] is recently reported to have said,

“Deen has spread throughout the world through Dawah and Tabligh. Because of it, we are Muslims today. Deen will prevail till Tabligh prevails and will go away if Tabligh is stopped. That is why we have to participate in the effort of Tabligh.” Continue reading


The Amazing Story of an English Spy at Dar al Ulum Deoband, 1875.

As salaamu alai kum wa rahmatullahi wa barakath,

A cornucopia of arts, science, mathematics, guns, languages, and what not! Its a long read but a brilliant one, really worth the time.

Deoband tafsir

The time when the Dar al-Ulum, Deoband was established only nine years had passed over the fight for freedom of A. D. 1857.

Since the common Muslims and the elders at the Dar al-Ulum had taken up arms and ranked against the English in this fight for freedom, the English government was very much antagonistic to the Muslims, suspicious of and ill-disposed towards them. Continue reading


Benefits of using Sunnah Toilets – The Squatty Potty Revolution!

As salaamu alay kumm,

Today morning received this email regarding the Squatty Potty revolution, and while reading it I was like, Alhamdulillah! The west is waking up to this now but our blessed Prophet, Prophet Muhammad [Peace be upon him] already taught us this more than a 1400 years ago! Continue reading


How Shaikh Mushki came to be known as…Shaikh Mushki.

Hadrat Shah Abdul Aziz [rh] had a student who was a very pious and beautiful young man. A woman with bad intentions in her heart would see him walking to the madrasa, and one day solicited an elderly lady to call him to the house. The elderly woman approached the young man and said that a sick person inside the house needed supplication, and, being very simple, the young man readily went inside. Continue reading

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Table of Lies.

Once, Qari Tayyib Sahib ra came to the Darul Iftaa (of Darul Uloom Deoband) and I (Faqeeh-ul-Ummat Mufti Mahood ul Hasan Gangohi rh) narrated to him the Table of Lies. He took a liking for it and noted it down so that he could relate it to his house-folk. It is as follows: Continue reading