The Ijtema – Bringing Truth Forward®


A Few Good Men.

Mighty penAssalaamu alai kumm wa rahmatullaahi wa barakath,

Many events in the history of Muslims indicate that the Muslim scholars changed the course of history by their influence and guidance of the ruling classes of Islam. Lets look at some of the incidents.

1. Sulaiman bin Abdul Malik and Imam Hazrat Raja Bin Haiwah.

During the Umayyads, Sulaiman bin Abdul Malik (may Allah have mercy on him) wanted to make his son, the heir apparent, but, Imam Hazrat Raja Bin Haiwah (may Allah have mercy on him) advised him to appoint Hazrath Umar Bin Abdul Aziz (may Allah have mercy on him) (the God fearing nephew and son in law of Sulaiman Bin Abdul Malik) as his successor. Sulaiman agreed to his proposal. Continue reading


How Shaikh Mushki came to be known as…Shaikh Mushki.

Hadrat Shah Abdul Aziz [rh] had a student who was a very pious and beautiful young man. A woman with bad intentions in her heart would see him walking to the madrasa, and one day solicited an elderly lady to call him to the house. The elderly woman approached the young man and said that a sick person inside the house needed supplication, and, being very simple, the young man readily went inside. Continue reading