The Ijtema – Bringing Truth Forward®

Table of Lies.

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Once, Qari Tayyib Sahib ra came to the Darul Iftaa (of Darul Uloom Deoband) and I (Faqeeh-ul-Ummat Mufti Mahood ul Hasan Gangohi rh) narrated to him the Table of Lies. He took a liking for it and noted it down so that he could relate it to his house-folk. It is as follows:

جھوٹ اکم جھوٹ، جھوٹ دونی مبالغہ،جھوٹ تیا بہانہ، جھوٹ چوک دھوکا،جھوٹ پنجے سفید جھوٹ،جھوٹ چھنگ تہمت،جھوٹ ستے بہتان،جھوٹ اٹھے غدر،جھوٹ نم نفاق،جھوٹ دھام کفر

One lie is a lie,

two lies are an exaggeration,

three lies are an excuse

four lies are a deception,

five lies are a white lie,

six lies are an accusation,

seven lies are slander,

eight lies are treachery,

nine lies are hypocrisy,

and ten lies are disbelief.

Author: Salman

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